
今回もよろしくお願いします。 代表は伊藤ハムを定年退職された60歳過ぎにサンリョウ東北を設立されましたが起業家になるには年を取りすぎているように感じます。真意を教えて下さい。
Today is the third time.Thank you. The CEO established Sanryo Tohoku when he retired from Itoham and was over 60 years old. I feel like I’m too old to be an entrepreneur. Please talk about now and from now on

私は前よりも足元を見て全力で走り、後ろを振り返れば道が出来てるタイプです。      I’m the type who sees my feet more than the front and runs with all my might, and when I look back, the road is ready.

・そのときやりたいことをやるタイプです、サンリョウ東北の設立もその一環です。 たまたま、ホルモン店のフランチャイズ事業に参画する機会がありました。 やるなら会社組織でやろう、というシンプルな発想です。

the type to do what I want to do at that time, and the establishment of Sanryo Tohoku is part of that. By chance, I had the opportunity to participate in a franchise business of a hormone restaurant. It’s a simple idea that if you do it, let’s do it in the company organization.

・私は42年間伊藤ハムに勤務しました。 つまり、一生を伊藤ハムで過ごしたわけです。 伊藤ハム以外は無知に等しいし、社会人というよりは伊藤ハム人と呼ぶべきでしょう。 そんな人種が余生を楽しむためには、伊藤ハムに関わる仕事に就くのが一番です。 そういう意味では、ホルモン飲食店のビジネスは外れていないというのが結論です。

worked for Itoham for 42 years. In other words, I spent my entire life at Itoham. Things other than Itoham are equal to ignorance, and should be called Itoham people rather than members of society. In order for such people to enjoy the rest of their lives, it is best to get a job related to Itoham. In that sense, the conclusion is that the hormone restaurant business is not out of line.

・私どもの工場に入るには、伊藤ハムの初代社長と二代目社長の写真と、伊藤伝三語録が書かれた掲示板の下を通らなければなりません。 この段階で、サンリョウ東北がただの食肉加工業者ではないことがわかるはずです。

If you want to enter our factory, you have to pass under a bulletin board with photographs of Itoham’s founding president and the second president, and Ito’s three verses. At this stage, you should be able to see that Sanryo Tohoku is not just a meat processor in the middle of nowhere.

・伊藤ハムの社員が定年退職後も再雇用できる会社を作るのが理想でした。 管理部門の人が管理を担当し、原材料部門の人が購買を担当し、生産部門の人が生産を担当し、営業部門の人が営業活動を担当します。 伊藤ハム卒業生の長寿ビジョンは、私にとって夢物語です。

The ideal was to create a company where Itoham employees could be rehired after retirement. People in the management department are in charge of management, people in the raw materials department are in charge of purchasing, people in the production department are in charge of productioいろんな, and people in the sales department are in charge of sales activities. The longevity vision of Itoham graduates is a dream story for me.

・ホルモン外食事業からは脱線しましたが、スーパー向けの味付けホルモンの製造・販売に転身した今、伊藤ハムの後輩が長く引き継いでいける新たな夢の物語舞台を描きたいと日々奮闘中です。     今後とも宜しくお願い致します    代表取締役 滝浦 孝和

I have derailed from the offal restaurant business, but now that I have switched to the production and sales of seasoned offal for supermarkets, I am working hard every day to draw a new dream story that Itoham’s juniors can take over for a long time.                                          best regards in the future     TakakazuTakiura, Representative Director

設立の意味がよくわかりました。 サンリョウ東北夢物語列車はいつ、どんな駅に到着しますか? I understand the meaning of establishment. What stations does the Sanryo Tohoku Yume Monogatari Train arrive at? 


We currently have a negative legacy due to the withdrawal of the hormone store. It is a bit of a burden to pass on to Itoham’s junior staff, so I would like to sort it out in the next two years and create a more agile business environment.



Currently, we have a negative legacy due to the withdrawal of hormone restaurants. It’s a bit of a burden to hand over to a junior from Itoham, so in the next two years, I’d like to sort things out and create a more agile management environment.
